BrownieScraps CT Call!

Brownie Scraps is having a Supreme CT Call!!
We are looking for a few talented and committed scrappers to join our Supreme team!
*Work with the monthly collab- One layout and one quickpage
*Addict's Membership- Create one layout with either the mini/full kit or the monthly bytes, help advertise and be active in the forum
*Other Kit Requests- Two layouts per kit requested
*Post all layouts at Brownie Scraps, DST, DSA and one gallery of your choice
*Post once a week on the Supreme's blog
*Enable either on your blog, at DST or DSA with every product used
*Leave 5 comments a day on layouts in the gallery
*Sign up for LOTD
To apply:
*Please email Bethany at nicksfam6@gmail.com
*A link to your most complete gallery
*A few words about you and why you want to be a Supreme
*Call ends on February 13th, 2010
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