New Release - Summer Skies
on sale for $3.00 Save: 25% off Soft browns, tan, and blues
Glitter scatter, bow, buttons, feather, dragonfly, flowers, frames, leaves, ribbons, stitching, tags, and more.
Also, if you purchase during the first 2 weeks, you'll get the bonus alpha for free!
Glitter scatter, bow, buttons, feather, dragonfly, flowers, frames, leaves, ribbons, stitching, tags, and more.
Also, if you purchase during the first 2 weeks, you'll get the bonus alpha for free!

Check out these awesome layouts by my creative team to see it in use

Also, Shelly and I made some quick pages with it!

Download Them HERE
9/17/10, 9:42 AM
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Sep. 17, 2010. Thanks again.